I've been re-acquainting myself this summer with the voice of the provocative public intellectual Cornel West. I just finished reading his 2009 memoir and that led me to watch some interviews online with Charlie Rose and Tavis Smiley.
West calls himself "a bluesman in the life of the mind, and a jazzman in the world of ideas." In both blues and jazz, West is convinced, "you got to find your voice!"
West's voice is filled with faith, passion, intelligence, and clarity. You don't have to agree with him, but you do have to be willing to engage in an authentic dialogue with him. That's what earns you his respect.
At the core of his being is a passion for love and service. The appropriate response to the catastrophes of our time, he proclaims, is unconditional compassion. When you aspire to lead people in being together for the greater good, West insists that you constantly ask yourself two questions - "What is the depth and breadth of my love?" and "What is the quality of my service?"
| Click on the image to watch the video |
Your voice is one of the most prominent ways in which you show up in your world. Here are a couple of things to consider about how it sounds. Is the tone of your voice the tone of love, the tone of compassion, the tone of caring? That's what people crave and what they respond to most positively, most readily. Is the tone of your voice the tone of service, of support, of finding ways to create the space where people can contribute their best? That's what people crave and what they respond to most positively, most readily. If the tones of love and service sound frequently in your voice, your credibility and effectiveness be greatly enhanced.
Here's one more thing to consider about the tone of your voice. In the Core Alignment Professional Coach Training Program at the Demers Group, we encourage our students to consider silence one of the major tones of voice they cultivate. Silence leaves space for your colleagues to engage in the enterprise, to offer their talents and intelligence, to trust that their contributions are welcomed, and to become creative, resourceful, and valuable participants in the team.
Brian |
Jazz Quote of the Month - August 2011
I'm proud to call Jodi Proznick a friend. She's one of Canada's finest jazz bassists. With her husband, Tilden Webb (piano), and her brother-in-law, Jesse Cahill (drums), she's part of one of Vancouver's hottest jazz trios.
Jodi recently shared this provocative quote from Plato:
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.
The sound of your conversation is a 'moral law' within your circle of influence. Are you managing that sound as well as you can? Are you speaking with soul, inspiring yourself and others to take off on wings of clarity, sustaining flights of innovation, and doing it with joy and delight?
I'm certainly not doing that as well as I can. I suspect that the same is true for you. Everytime I listen to jazz musicians as accomplished as Jodi and her colleagues, I'm reminded of the opportunity I have for improving my sound and impact the next time I use my voice. Challenging stuff, but very exciting.
Find Out More about Core Alignment Coaching
Core Alignment Coaching is a unique approach to the art of coaching developed by the Demers Group. On a regular basis, we offer 3-hr introductory sessions to help people understand the principles, processes, tools, and benefits of this means of helping people realize their full potential.
You might be considering coaching as a career or as a complementary tool in your consulting practice. You might be considering the possibility of developing a coach approach within your organization. You might be a seasoned coach educated in another approach who is simply curious about this take on the practice. Whatever you motivation, we'd love to welcome you to this exploration of Core Alignment Coaching.
Here are the dates for our fall schedule of The Power of Coaching Dialogues sessions:
Wednesday, September 21 - 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Wednesday, October 26 - 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Wednesday, November 21 - 1:00PM - 4:00PM
The sessions are held in the Board Room at the Viva Tower, 200 - 1311 Howe St, Vancouver, BC. Click here for more information and to register.
Support Live Jazz in Vancouver
Why not plan on a summer evening at The Cellar? There's a great line-up for the summer and your support of live jazz in Vancouver is very much appreciated. Hope to see you there! For information on August's schedule and reservations, click here.